Christmas is a time when we all love to have our family and friends around us. It’s not called ‘Party Season’ for nothing. However, due to the current global pandemic, we are all being encouraged to scale down our social and family gatherings and follow health guidelines to keep everyone safe.
This may lead you to wonder how to keep Grandparents involved at Christmas. As the most ‘at-risk’ category, it’s so important that we protect them, but we don’t want to leave them lonely at Christmas either. Here are some ways to keep them connected with family during the festive season.
Assess the risk: If guidelines allow for home visits at Christmas, it’s important to talk with grandparents and assess the risk. Do they have any existing health conditions? Are they fit or frail? Are they under/over 75? Make an informed decision together, keeping safety above all.
Isolate beforehand: If it’s agreed that you/they will visit then, if possible, isolate for the two weeks beforehand. Work from home and minimize your contacts to reduce risk as much as possible.
Talk to your children about the situation: They may be used to getting lots of hugs and kisses from Grandparents so make sure they understand about social distancing to keep Granny and Grandad safe.
Avoid public transport: If you have to travel to meet grandparents, try and travel by car rather than public transport to reduce risk of encountering anyone who might be a carrier of Covid 19.
Meet outdoors as much as possible: The weather might not always play ball, but if it’s dry, you can muffle up and meet at the park or other outdoor venue and see each other. Stay warm with a hot drink or an energetic walk.
Virtual visits: These are a great way to stay connected with grandparents so ‘visit’ often! Set up a screen when the kids are baking and let Granny or Grandad encourage and offer tips. Get them online to read bedtime stories or play games. Get the kids to put on a little show for their grandparents or sing Christmas Carols.
Give them a personalized gift: There are so many handy online apps where you can turn family photos into jigsaws, mugs or works of art on canvas. These would make lovely gifts and will remind them that family are always with them.
Christmas Eve/Morning: Involve Grandparents in all the usual traditions but online. Have them read ‘The Night Before Christmas’ to the kids before bed and let them watch your little ones hanging up their stockings and leaving treats for Santa and Rudolph. Then in the morning, let them watch the kids opening their gifts.
Drop off dinner: If Grandparents can’t join you for Christmas dinner, bring Christmas Dinner to them with a festive drop-off. Socially distanced of course.
Staying connected as a family is key. So even if you can’t be together physically, the internet makes it possible for you all to stay connected virtually. Remember, this won’t be forever and one day we’ll be able to look back and wonder at the Crazy Covid Christmas of 2020.