Essentials for getting your hospital bag ready
The final weeks of pregnancy can feel like forever, but your baby will soon be on the way, so it is important to be prepared and have your hospital bag handy.
Packing your hospital bag can actually be a nice experience, as it means you are that little bit closer to the big day. And, being prepared might also help you feel a bit more relaxed. It is recommend getting your hospital bag with all your essentials ready by week 36/37.
Here are some ideas on what to bring for you, your baby and your partner for the hospital. Most maternity wards will not have a lot of space so you may want to pack them into different bags.
- Birth plan & medical notes
- A couple of comfy nighties (you will need one for the labour ward)
- A light dressing gown, the maternity ward can be warm but something light will come in handy
- A pack of thick maternity pads & some comfy underwear. You’ll be wearing maternity pads after you give birth, so big, comfortable pants are ideal.
- A comfortable bra/nursing bra.
- Non slip slippers, try a size larger as your feet can swell
- A pair of flip flops for the shower
- 2 large dark towels
- Toiletries – the usual face wash, deodorant, tooth brush and tooth paste. Be sure to include breast pads, nipple cream, a face spray, a small mirror, some make-up if it makes you feel more yourself and a brush and hair ties!!
- Phone charger, snacks and drinks – a reusable water bottle is really handy and bring some straws, so you can easily drink while lying down
- Comfy going home clothes
- Any birthing accessories you need – e.g. birthing ball, a comfy pillow, a Tens machine.
- Baby clothes
- Baby grows x 4,
- Baby vests x 4,
- Cardigan, hat and scratch mittens
- Don’t forget that cute going home outfit
- If you're bringing your little one home during the winter months, be sure to have a cosy jacket ready for them
- A handy tip is to put the first outfit you want to put on your baby in a little separate bag so it can be grabbed quickly!
Muslin cloths and bibs – for dribbles and spills
- 2 soft breathable cellular blanket
- Teddy, a blanky and some soothers/dummies if you plan to use them
- Some cute and tiny Newborn nappies & cotton wool – it is recommended not to use wipes on a newborn baby, water and cotton wool works just fine
- Loads of loose change for the parking machines (or get a parking app if you are on street parking and money for vending machines or canteen
- Phone & charger or power pack.
- Spare clothes, deodorant and tooth brush - a quick way to freshen up in case you end up staying longer than expected.
- Contact details of family/friends who will want to hear from you after the birth.
- Infant Car seat – make sure you are familiar on how to use this before you go into hospital and if using an isofix or fitted seat it would be wise to get it fitted by a professional – Tony Kealy’s, Halford and Smyths will help you with this.
Car seat support - some added support for your little one.
Remember: A full petrol tank Not strictly one for the bag, but very important prep for that quick dash to the hospital.